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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Harta Karun Soekarno, Samurai, Hingga Harta Ahmad Zaini

Harta Karun Soekarno, Samurai, Hingga Harta Ahmad Zaini

Jakarta - Kasus penipuan harta karun peninggalan Presiden Soekarno, baik dalam bentuk emas lantakan, surat-surat berharga di Bank Swiss, di Batu Tulis Bogor hingga harta Rp 18.000 triliun milik Ahmad Zaini sampai sekarang masih ramai dibicarakan. Orang yang menjadi korban pun tidak hanya masyarakat tingkat bawah yang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi, tapi orang-orang kaya dan pengusaha.

Mereka percaya harta karun peninggalan Soekarno yang berupa emas lantakan, perhiasan emas permata dan platina peninggalan zaman-zaman kerajaan di Nusantara tersimpan di Bank of Switzerland atau di Union Bank of Switzerland. Sedang surat-surat deposito, surat kolateral dikabarkan tersimpan di sana dan hanya orang-orang tertentu yang masuk jaringan kelompok/mafia itu yang bisa mencairkannya.

Embel-embel yang selalu didengungkan kepada calon sasaran, bila dana itu cair bisa untuk bayar utang Indonesia dan menyantuni rayat miskin seluruh Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkannya, bumbu-bumbu klenik dan mistik pun muncul.
Selain itu orang yang ingin mendapat hibah itu juga harus mengeluarkan uang tidak sedikit jumlahnya.

Berdasar penulusuran detikcom, kasus-kasus seperti itu sudah mulai muncul sejak tahun 1998 hingga sekarang. Selain hibah harta karun Soekarno, yang masih ramai dicari adalah samurai-samurai peninggalan tentara Jepang di Indonesia yang bernilai puluhan hingga ratusan juta rupiah.

Konon samurai-samurai itu masih banyak disimpan oleh orang-orang tertentu baik di Pulau Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Maluku. Cara memperolehnya juga secara gaib lewat puasa, sesajen, dan lain-lain. Bahkan di kawasan Pantai Jalasutra Kabupaten Blitar Jawa Timur dipercaya sebagai tempat pahlawan tentara PETA Supriadi menyimpan samurai sebelum dibunuh tentara Jepang.

Untuk bisa bertransaksi dan mengetahui mana yang asli atau palsu, kelompok ini juga sudah menyebarkan berbagai brosur fotokopian. Lagi-lagi tebusan uang atau mahar disertai bumbu aroma klenik dan magis juga tersebar.

Cara-cara menggaet masyarakat untuk ikut pun bermacam-macam. Ada yang berkedok menggunakan nama sebuah yayasan. Adapula pula dengan cara perseorangan yang mendapat wasiat atau amanah dapat mencairkan dana. Aroma magis dan bumbu klenik seperti laku tapa dan prihatin juga selalu menyertai.

Orang yang sudah masuk anggota yayasan dan diberikan sertifikat serta membayar uang mulai ratusan ribu hingga puluhan juta rupiah. Setelah itu dijanjikan akan mendapat hibah atau warisan dari harta tersebut.

Tidak hanya itu, untuk menyakinkan orang, mereka juga menunjukkan fotokopian surat-surat berharga tersebut. Namun kalau ditanya mengapa hanya fotokopian, jawabannya, yang asli masih disimpan seseorang yang paling dipercaya dan alasan keamanan. Surat-surat yang beredar itu biasanya Certificate of AO Metal Deposite, Certificate of Family Heritage dan Certificate of Gold Deposite berwarna kecoklatan seolah-olah asli dan benar-benar sudah lama

Di wilayah Jawa Tengah, kasus pertama yang pernah mencuat di media massa adalah tahun 1998 di Solo melalui yayasan Yasapradana. Pada tahun 2003 di Yogyakarta, yang menjadi korban adalah seorang Sultan dari Kerajaan Zulu di Filipina. Sultan Maulana Jamilul Kiram III dan seorang warga Brunei yang sudah mengeluarkan uang puluhan juta sudah tertipu mentah-mentah kelompok Suparman asal Klaten. Dia dijanjikan akan mendapat warisan 10 ton emas
lengkap dengan surat-suratnya. Namun semua itu palsu.

Sedang pada tahun 2005, ratusan warga Sleman, Kulonprogo, Purworejo dan Magelang digaet dengan cara masuk sebuah yayasan amal yang dijanjikan akan mendapat hibah harta karun Soekarno yang masih tersimpan di luar negeri.

Belum lagi cerita Asmo Suwito (80), warga Dusun Gergunung Desa Sendangsari Kecamatan Pengasih. Kakek ini mengaku mendapat harta karun sebanyak 40 batang emas lantakan beserta surat-suratnya. Harta karun itu katanya didapatkan secara gaib.

Asmo mengaku mendapat emas batangan bergambar lambang Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) dengan berbagai ukuran. Barang itu dilengkapi surat-surat tanda keabsahan dari Union Bank of Switzerland.

Emas batangan yang dimiliki Asmo itu sebagian besar berukuran sebesar bungkus rokok dengan berat sekitar 500 gram. Sebagian lagi berukuran lebih kecil sebesar korek api.

Namun ketika dibandingkan dengan uang benggol dari tembaga zaman Hindia Belanda berbeda sekali. Uang zaman Belanda ada gambar mahkota lengkap dengan tulisan Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie serta tahun pembuatan. Sedang emas milik Asmo bertuliskan VOC, ada lambang padi kapas, gambar Soekarno pakai peci dan tulisan 999 yang menunjukkan kadar karat emas.

"Jelas palsu kalau emas peninggalan Soekarno ada gambar Bung Karno. Lambang mahkota dengan uang benggol VOC berbeda. Apa zaman VOC sudah mengenal lambang padi kapas," kata Hari Cahyono, seorang kolektor uang kuno
kepada detikcom, Jumat (29/5/2008).

Bisa jadi kasus harta triliunan� milik warga Tasikmalaya, Ahmad Zaini itu hanya berupa surat-surat berharga yang seolah-olah asli dikeluarkan oleh Bank Swiss. Karena dia menganggap sebagai pemegang amanah atau kuasa, dia
bisa mencairkan kemudian membagikannya kepada orang-orang yang membutuhkan lewat proposal yang masuk. (bgs/asy)

7 lokasi harta karun misterius

7 lokasi harta karun misterius

1. Yamashita Treasure, Philipines

Harta karun Yamashita, Adalah harta yang dijarah oleh pasukan Jepang pada Perang Dunia II, Lokasi ini berada di sebuah Teluk di Philipina, Banyak yang percaya akan ada nya harta ditempat ini, tapi karena medannya telah berubah, harta ini semakin sulit dicari.

2. VOC Treasure, Indonesia

Misteri harta karun VOC di Pulau Onrust memang mengundang penasaran begitu banyak orang. karena konon katanya, jumlah harta ini dapat melunasi semua utang Indonesia. Pulau Onrust terletak di teluk Jakarta. 3 jam dari Muara Karang dengan menggunakan kapal motor, tempat ini jaman Belanda dulu memang tempat yg paling sibuk, tempat masuknya kapal setelah menjajah dari kota 2 lain di Indonesia. Mitos harta karun VOC di pulau Onrust itu bermula dari keganjilan sejarah, bagaimana sebuah institusi dagang sebesar dan sekuat VOC mendadak bangkrut secara tiba-tiba.

3. Treasure of Lima, Peru

Di tahun 1820, di Lima (ibukota Peru) sedang terjadi perang revolusi. Untuk berjaga-jaga, pemerintah kota Lima memutuskan utk memindahkan harta kekayaan kota tsb ke Mexico, supaya aman. Harta benda tsb meliputi batu2 permata berharga, tempat2 lilin dan dua buah patung Maria sedang menggendong Yesus seukuran manusia. Secara keseluruhan, harta senilai U$60 juta tsb terbagi atas 11 kapal dan dikomandani oleh Kapten William Thompson, yg menahkodai Kapal Mary Dear. Namun sayangnya pemerintah kota Lima tdk mengetahui bahwa William Thompson sejatinya adalah mantan perompak. Begitu harta benda itu sudah naik ke kapal, dia segera membunuh orang2 Peruvian yg menjaga harta tsb serta melemparkan tubuhnya ke laut. Thompson melarikan harta tsb ke Kepulauan Cocos, di lautan Hindia, lalu menguburnya. Kemudian komplotannya berpencar serta bersembunyi sampai keadaan dirasa aman utk mengambil kembali harta yg mrk kubur. Akan tetapi kapal Mary Dear akhirnya tertangkap. Semua anggota komplotan digantung atas tuduhan perompakan, kecuali William Thompson dan orang kepercayaannya. Kedua orang tsb setuju utk menunjukkan lokasi penyembunyian harta tsb. Mrk membawa orang2 tsb ke Kepulauan Cocos, namun di tengah jalan mrk melarikan diri ke hutan. Sampai sekrg harta karun tsb tdk pernah diketemukan lagi. Semenjak itu sudah lebih dari 300 ekspedisi pencarian diadakan, namun gagal. Akhir-akhir ini orang2 curiga bahwa sebenarnya harta tsb tdk disembunyikan di Kepulauan Cocos, melainkan di sebuah pulau tak dikenal di Amerika Tengah.

4. The Ark of The Convenant (Tabut Perjanjian), Jerusalem

Tabut perjanjian didalam Alkitab adalah sebuah wadah yang terbuat dari emas yang bertuliskan "10 Perintah Tuhan" selain itu konon katanya tongkat Nabi Musa juga berada didalam kotak itu.
gambar ini hanyalah sebuah replika.

5. Pharaohs’ Missing Treasure, Egypt

Ketika thn 1922 Howard Carter menemukan makan Tutankhamen di Lembah Para Raja (Valley of the Kings), Mesir, dia terpesona oleh kemegahan artefak2 yg terdpt di makam raja muda tsb. Di sekitar makan tsb terdapat banyak sekali batu2 permata serta artefak2. Saking banyaknya, sampai2 Carter membutuhkan waktu 10 tahun utk membuat katalognya. Namun, saat penggalian makam2 Fir'aun lainnya di akhir abad ke 19 ditemukan kenyataan bahwa makam2 tsb dlm keadaan kosong. Hampir semua orang sdh tahu bahwa para perompak makam (utk menyebutkan orang2 yg mencuri harta benda di dalam makam) telah menjalankan aksinya selama berabad-abad yg lalu. Namun apabila mrk sampai menggasak habis harta para Fir-aun tsb, maka hal itu sangat keterlaluan. Pertanyaan selanjutnya: di manakah harta para Fir'aun tsb disembunyikan? Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa harta tsb sebenarnya sengaja diambil oleh para pendeta yg melakukan pemakaman atas dinasti Raja-Raja Mesir yg ke 20 dan ke 21 (thn 425-343 SM) di Lembah Para Raja. Fir'aun-Fir'aun di masa itu konon tidak melarang utk mengambil harta yg ada di makam nenek moyang mrk utk digunakan kembali pada saat pemakaman mrk. Salah satu petinggi masa itu yg bernama Herihor menjadi contohnya. Herihor adalah seorang petugas mahkamah tinggi di jaman Ramses XI. Pada saat Ramses meninggal, Herihor merebut kekuasaan kemudian kerajaan tsb dibagi dua dengan menantunya, Piankh. Herihor kemudian menempatkan dirinya sbg penanggungjawab upacara pemakaman di Lembah Para Raja, shg dia punya banyak kesempatan utk merampok makam raja-raja terdahulu. Makam Herihor sendiri sampai sekrg tidak diketemukan. Namun, para ahli yakin bahwa suatu ketika misteri hilangnya harta di makam para Fir'aun akan terkuak seiring dengan waktu yg berjalan.

6. Montezuma’s Treasure, Meksiko

Pembantaian atas suku Aztec di Mexico yg dilakukan oleh orang2 Spanyol menjadi perhatian di tgl 1 Juli 1520. Setlh membunuh Kaisar Montezuma, Hernando Cort dan pasukannya dikepung oleh para ksatria Aztec yg marah, di ibukota Tenochtitl'n. Setelah pertempuran sengit selama beberapa hari, Cort's memerintahkan pasukannya utk mengumpulkan harta Montezuma yg paling berharga lalu membawanya kabur. Namun belum begitu jauh mrk melarikan diri, pasukan Aztec berhasil mengejarnya serta membantai pasukan Spanyol di danau Tezcuco. Sisa pasukan yg tersisa segera membuang harta rampasan mrk kemudian langsung kabur. Setahun kemudian Cort's datang lagi dengan pasukannya utk mengambil kembali harta yg dulu gagal mrk rampas. Namun penduduk Tenochtitl'n telah menyembunyikan harta tsb, shg tumpukan emas, permata serta berbagai batu berharga tsb. tidak pernah diketemukan lagi hingga sekarang. Sampai sekrg para pencari harta karun masih sibuk mencari peninggalan suku Aztec tsb di sekitar kota Tenochtitl'n yg sekrg telah berganti nama menjadi Mexico City.

7. King Solomon’s Treasure, Jerusalem

Artefak artefak suci dijarah oleh bangsa Romawi dari Kuil Yerusalem dan dicurigai disembunyikan di kubah2 di Vatican, Artefak ini dianggap sebagai harta karun terbesar Alkitab seperti sangkakala perak yang akan menandakan Kedatangan Messiah, terompet, lilin emas dll. Setelah satu dekade, arkeolog Dr Kensley telah merekontruksikan rute harta karun untuk pertama kalinya, menurutnya harta itu telah meniggalkan Roma pada abad ke 5 menuju Kartago, Konstantinopel, dan Aljazair sebelum tujuan akhirnya di padang gurun Yudea.

Harta Karun Soekarno

Harta Karun Soekarno !

HARTA karun peninggalan mantan presiden Soekarno selama ini masih misteri, bahkan tak sedikit yang meragukannya. Kasus kegagalan pencarian harta peniggalan Prabu Siliwangi di Istana Batutulis beberapa waktu lalu, sepertinya memupus harapan orang untuk memercayai hal-hal yang sulit dibuktikan kebenarannya.

Namun lelaki yang menyebut diri satria piningit bernama Soenuso Goroyo Soekarno mengaku dapat mengangkat peninggalan Presiden Pertama RI itu. Bentuknya berupa ratusan keping emas lantakan, platinum, sertifikat deposito obligasi garansi, dan lain-lain. ”Ini baru sampel dan silakan mengecek kebenarannya. Jika bohong, saya siap digantung,” katanya, Jumat kemarin, kepada pers.

Mantan anggota TNI yang dahulu bernama Suwito itu sengaja mengundang wartawan di rumahnya, Perumahan Cileungsi Hijau, daerah perbatasan Bogor-Bekasi, untuk menyaksikan temuannya. Di rumahnya yang cukup megah disiapkan hidangan layaknya orang hajatan. Maklum, Goroyo, begitu dia biasa disapa, juga mengundang Pangdam Jaya, Kapolda, dan anggota Muspida. Tetapi dari mereka, tak ada pejabat datang.

Kepada tamunya, suami RA Lastika ini memperlihatkan peti besar berisi ratusan keping emas lantakan, masing-masing beratnya 8 ons bergambar Soekarno dan di baliknya ada gambar padi dan kapas. Pada satu sisinya ada tulisan 80 24K 9999. Sementara itu emas putih (platinum) juga berbentuk lantakan berlogo tapal kuda putih bertulisan JM Mathey London. Logam itu dibungkus emas dan bersertifikat emas pula.

Meskipun bersertifikat dan diyakini keasliannya, pada kesempatan itu tidak dihadirkan orang yang mengetahui emas atau pakar yang bisa memastikan asli atau tidak harta benda tersebut.

Memberi Kuasa

Peninggalan lain berupa sertifikat deposito bertanggal 16 Agustus 1945 yang dikeluarkan oleh BPUPKI yang menyebut sejumlah harta yang disimpan di suatu tempat. Ada pula sertifikat berbahasa Inggris yang juga disegel dan ditulis di atas lembar kuningan. Sertifikat itu ada yang bertuliskan ”Hibah Substitusi” yang dipercayakan kepada R Edi Tirwata Dinata (108).Yang terakhir ini, konon karena sudah tua, lantas memberikan kuasa kepada R Anton Hartono untuk mengurus harta benda yang disimpan di Swiss. Bentuknya mikrofilm, dua lembar dokumen, anak kunci boks deposit di JBS, Jenewa, dan dua buah koin.

Di dalam sertifikat itu disebutkan, ada dana berjumlah 126,2 miliar dolar AS dan 63,10 miliar dolar AS.”Insya Allah, jika saya diberi izin, semua harta peninggalan Bung Karno ini bisa membayar utang kita. Saya yakin bisa melaksanakannya,” ungkap Goroyo sembari membantah dirinya paranormal. Dia juga membantah berambisi menjadi presiden atau jabatan politis lain. ”Semua saya lakukan dan beberkan untuk membangun negara kita,” tegasnya.Saat mendekati rumahnya, di pintu gerbang perumahan dan di depan rumahnya terpampang spanduk putih bertulisan merah,

”Satrio Piningit Soenuso Goroyo Soekarno sang Juru Selamat Telah Hadir di Bumi Indonesia.”Namun wartawan yang datang sejak pukul 11.00, baru diterima seusai shalat jumat. Goroyo mengenakan stelan jas putih, sepatu putih, mirip yang dikenakan Presiden Soekarno.Di ruang tamunya juga dipajang foto dirinya bersama seorang jenderal. Ada pula yang memperlihatkan saat dirinya menjadi anggota Batalyon Arhanud SE 10/Kodam Jaya. Namun, dia enggan membeberkan latar belakang jati dirinya. ”Saya ini orang susah. Jadi tentara pangkatnya juga di sini (memegang lengannya). Jika saya pakai pakaian seperti ini, hanya model. Kebetulan saya suka,” tuturnya.

Proses Pencarian

Goroyo mengemukakan, dia hanya ingin ada saksi dari aparat soal harta temuannya itu. Selanjutnya akan diserahkan kepada Presiden Megawati dan diharapkan bisa melunasi utang luar negeri pemerintah. ”Saya tidak ingin imbalan apa pun termasuk jabatan. Saya hanya butuh pengakuan dan surat kuasa untuk meneruskan pencarian harta ini. Namun tampaknya Kapolda dan Kapolri berhalangan.”

Dia menceritakan proses pencarian harta tersebut. Diawali dari kebiasaannyabertirakat di berbagai tempat, lantas mendapatkan petunjuk. Petunjuk awal adalah sebuah tongkat wasiat yang diyakini tongkat komando milik Presiden Soekarno yang kemudian disimpannya hingga kini.Selanjutnya, dengan tirakat pula, secara gaib harta benda itu bisa diangkat dari beberapa daerah di Bali, Jawa Tengah, dan Sumatera Selatan. ”Meskipun benda ini kini nyata, tapi awalnya adalah harta gaib. Jadi, mengambilnya juga dengan cara gaib. Saya tidak boleh memilikinya. Saya diperintahkan menyerahkan kepada negara untuk menyelamatkan bangsa,” paparnya.Ketika disinggung, kenapa justru membeberkan kepada wartawan, bukan langsung menyerahkan kepada pemerintah, Goroyo menyatakan dirinya sudah capai berhubungan dengan pejabat. Awalnya dia melapor kepada Presiden Megawati, tapi tidak digubris. Kemudian kepada mantan atasannya, Kol Art Harus Putri Osa, Dan Men Arhanud I Kodam Jaya, ke Mabes TNI, bahkan juga dilaporkan kepada anggota DPR Permadi SH.

Namun semua seperti tidak menghiraukannya. ”Karena itu, saya mengundang rekan-rekan wartawan untuk menyaksikan langsung,” ujar Goroyo sembari menegaskan, sebagai satria piningit dirinya mengemban tugas menyelamatkan bangsa. Sebutan satria itu dia jelaskan, tidak ada kaitannya dengan ramalan yang pernah diucapkan Permadi bahwa negeri ini akan dipimpin satria piningit.

misteri angka 9696 dan harta soekarno

misteri angka 9696 dan harta soekarno

HARTA karun peninggalan mantan presiden Soekarno selama ini masih misteri, bahkan tak sedikit yang meragukannya. Kasus kegagalan pencarian harta peniggalan Prabu Siliwangi di Istana Batutulis beberapa waktu lalu, sepertinya memupus harapan orang untuk memercayai hal-hal yang sulit dibuktikan kebenarannya.

Namun lelaki yang menyebut diri satria piningit bernama Soenuso Goroyo Soekarno mengaku dapat mengangkat peninggalan Presiden Pertama RI itu. Bentuknya berupa ratusan keping emas lantakan, platinum, sertifikat deposito obligasi garansi, dan lain-lain. ”Ini baru sampel dan silakan mengecek kebenarannya. Jika bohong, saya siap digantung,” katanya, Jumat kemarin, kepada pers.

Mantan anggota TNI yang dahulu bernama Suwito itu sengaja mengundang wartawan di rumahnya, Perumahan Cileungsi Hijau, daerah perbatasan Bogor-Bekasi, untuk menyaksikan temuannya. Di rumahnya yang cukup megah disiapkan hidangan layaknya orang hajatan. Maklum, Goroyo, begitu dia biasa disapa, juga mengundang Pangdam Jaya, Kapolda, dan anggota Muspida. Tetapi dari mereka, tak ada pejabat datang.

Kepada tamunya, suami RA Lastika ini memperlihatkan peti besar berisi ratusan keping emas lantakan, masing-masing beratnya 8 ons bergambar Soekarno dan di baliknya ada gambar padi dan kapas. Pada satu sisinya ada tulisan 80 24K 9999. Sementara itu emas putih (platinum) juga berbentuk lantakan berlogo tapal kuda putih bertulisan JM Mathey London. Logam itu dibungkus emas dan bersertifikat emas pula.

Meskipun bersertifikat dan diyakini keasliannya, pada kesempatan itu tidak dihadirkan orang yang mengetahui emas atau pakar yang bisa memastikan asli atau tidak harta benda tersebut.

Memberi Kuasa

Peninggalan lain berupa sertifikat deposito bertanggal 16 Agustus 1945 yang dikeluarkan oleh BPUPKI yang menyebut sejumlah harta yang disimpan di suatu tempat. Ada pula sertifikat berbahasa Inggris yang juga disegel dan ditulis di atas lembar kuningan. Sertifikat itu ada yang bertuliskan ”Hibah Substitusi” yang dipercayakan kepada R Edi Tirwata Dinata (108).

Yang terakhir ini, konon karena sudah tua, lantas memberikan kuasa kepada R Anton Hartono untuk mengurus harta benda yang disimpan di Swiss. Bentuknya mikrofilm, dua lembar dokumen, anak kunci boks deposit di JBS, Jenewa, dan dua buah koin. Di dalam sertifikat itu disebutkan, ada dana berjumlah 126,2 miliar dolar AS dan 63,10 miliar dolar AS.

”Insya Allah, jika saya diberi izin, semua harta peninggalan Bung Karno ini bisa membayar utang kita. Saya yakin bisa melaksanakannya,” ungkap Goroyo sembari membantah dirinya paranormal. Dia juga membantah berambisi menjadi presiden atau jabatan politis lain. ”Semua saya lakukan dan beberkan untuk membangun negara kita,” tegasnya.

Saat mendekati rumahnya, di pintu gerbang perumahan dan di depan rumahnya terpampang spanduk putih bertulisan merah, ”Satrio Piningit Soenuso Goroyo Soekarno sang Juru Selamat Telah Hadir di Bumi Indonesia.”

Namun wartawan yang datang sejak pukul 11.00, baru diterima seusai shalat jumat. Goroyo mengenakan stelan jas putih, sepatu putih, mirip yang dikenakan Presiden Soekarno.

Di ruang tamunya juga dipajang foto dirinya bersama seorang jenderal. Ada pula yang memperlihatkan saat dirinya menjadi anggota Batalyon Arhanud SE 10/Kodam Jaya. Namun, dia enggan membeberkan latar belakang jati dirinya. ”Saya ini orang susah. Jadi tentara pangkatnya juga di sini (memegang lengannya). Jika saya pakai pakaian seperti ini, hanya model. Kebetulan saya suka,” tuturnya.

Proses Pencarian

Goroyo mengemukakan, dia hanya ingin ada saksi dari aparat soal harta temuannya itu. Selanjutnya akan diserahkan kepada Presiden Megawati dan diharapkan bisa melunasi utang luar negeri pemerintah. ”Saya tidak ingin imbalan apa pun termasuk jabatan. Saya hanya butuh pengakuan dan surat kuasa untuk meneruskan pencarian harta ini. Namun tampaknya Kapolda dan Kapolri berhalangan.”

Dia menceritakan proses pencarian harta tersebut. Diawali dari kebiasaannya

bertirakat di berbagai tempat, lantas mendapatkan petunjuk. Petunjuk awal adalah sebuah tongkat wasiat yang diyakini tongkat komando milik Presiden Soekarno yang kemudian disimpannya hingga kini.

Selanjutnya, dengan tirakat pula, secara gaib harta benda itu bisa diangkat dari beberapa daerah di Bali, Jawa Tengah, dan Sumatera Selatan. ”Meskipun benda ini kini nyata, tapi awalnya adalah harta gaib. Jadi, mengambilnya juga dengan cara gaib. Saya tidak boleh memilikinya. Saya diperintahkan menyerahkan kepada negara untuk menyelamatkan bangsa,” paparnya.

Ketika disinggung, kenapa justru membeberkan kepada wartawan, bukan langsung menyerahkan kepada pemerintah, Goroyo menyatakan dirinya sudah capai berhubungan dengan pejabat. Awalnya dia melapor kepada Presiden Megawati, tapi tidak digubris. Kemudian kepada mantan atasannya, Kol Art Harus Putri Osa, Dan Men Arhanud I Kodam Jaya, ke Mabes TNI, bahkan juga dilaporkan kepada anggota DPR Permadi SH.

Namun semua seperti tidak menghiraukannya. ”Karena itu, saya mengundang rekan-rekan wartawan untuk menyaksikan langsung,” ujar Goroyo sembari menegaskan, sebagai satria piningit dirinya mengemban tugas menyelamatkan bangsa. Sebutan satria itu dia jelaskan, tidak ada kaitannya dengan ramalan yang pernah diucapkan Permadi bahwa negeri ini akan dipimpin satria piningit.
Harta Karun Soekarno , Akhirnya Ditemukan Juga

GW sengaja menulis judul sedikir merangsang adrenalin kita sebagai manusia dengan kata pembuka “Harta Karun”. Padahal maksudnya sih kiasan saja sebagai suatu ungkapan metaforik analitik setelah menyusuri sejarah Bangsa Indonesia. Judul aslinya adalah “Bangsa Indonesia dan Harta Karun Soekarno”. Membaca tulisan ini, Anda boleh percaya dan boleh juga tidak. Tidak ada paksaan dalam membaca. Tapi mulailah berpikir dan merenungkannya.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu kita sempat dihebohkan dengan berita mengejutkan tentang Harta Karun Warisan Presiden Soekarno yang disebut-sebut berupa emas, perak yang sangat berharga dan khabarnya dapat membayar seluruh hutang Bangsa Indonesia. Isu dan kisah harta warisan Soekarno pun bergulir. Korbannya tak tanggung-tanggung “Seorang Menteri Agama era Megawati” mengacak-ngacak situ purbakala di Bogor. Amarah dan cemooh pun bermunculan karena kenaifan, kedunguan, ketamakan dan keserakahan si menteri yang belakangan diseret pengadilan karena kasus korupsi “Dana Abadi Umat”. Semenjak peristiwa yang memalukan di Bogor itu kisah harta karun peninggalan Soekarno masih terdengar beberapa waktu kemudian. Klaim-klaim masih bermunculan, umumnya dari dukun dan paranormal. Namun pelan-pelan kisah harta itu pun kemudian lenyap meskipun masih mengendap menjadi sisa informasi di benak kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia yang kelak akan muncul kembali dengan kisah yang barangkali lebih sedap dengan sedikit rasa pedas di lidah yang membuat merah muka.

Kemunculan kisah harta karun Soekarno yang sempat menghebohkan itu memang membuat banyak orang yang kecondongannya tamak menjadi ngiler. Darimana sumber asal kisah itu pun masih simpang siur, tak ketahuan rimbanya. Mungkin salah satu makhluk halus penghuni pulau Jawa yang membisikkan salah satu budaknya untuk membisik-bisikkan tentang pusaka warisan bangsa Indonesia itu. Tapi apa tepatnya Harta Pusaka warisan Soekarno itu? Tak ada satu pun ahli atau pakar yang berminat menyibak misterinya karena tentunya takut di bilang ketularan ketamakan atau di bilang dungu karena percaya pada bisikan paranormal yang tak jelas ujung pangkalnya.

Saya justru tertarik mengungkapkan Harta Peninggalan Soekarno itu bukan dari perspektif perhartakarunan dengan gambaran emas, perak atau intan permata. Tapi dari perspektif kesejarahan Bangsa Indonesia yang jejaknya telah ditemukan oleh Sokarno di kawasan Bogor yang tidak lain adalah prasasti Batu Tulis sebagai peninggalan masa lalu yang menyimpan sejarah bangsa Indonesia dan erat kaitannya dengan transmisi pengetahuan yang saat ini sudah sangat dikenal.

Gagasan saya mengaitkan harta karun Soekarno dengan peninggalan sejarah di Batu Tulis saya ilhami dari karakter Soekarno itu sendiri yang memadukan intelektualitas dan kemampuan citarasanya yang tinggi tentang berbagai seni dan budaya di tanah air. Benar, saya kemudian harus berasumsi bahwa ungkapan Harta Karun Bangsa Indonesia sebenarnya dinyatakan oleh Soekarno sendiri dengan suatu gaya pengungkapan metaforis puitis sebagai karakter dasar beliau. Seseorang yang menguping ungkapan terselubung ini kemudian mengira bahwa yang diungkapkan Soekarno adalah harta beneran berupa emas, perak, atau berlian yang tersimpan di suatu tempat di Bogor, bahkan ada yang mengatakannya tersimpan di suatu Bank di Swiss. Padahal yang dimaksud Soekarno adalah peninggalan di Bogor yaitu Batu Tulis yang menyimpan rahasia emas dan perak sebagai simbologi tentang sumber asal Pengetahuan Tuhan yang telah dikenal semasa kerajaan Areuteun, bahkan mungkin jauh sebelum era kerajaan Areueun maupun Taruma Negara

2 Pemburu Harta Sukarno Tewas, Incar Emas Lantakan dan Landak Putih, Terjepit Galian Gua

2 Pemburu Harta Sukarno Tewas, Incar Emas Lantakan & Landak Putih, Terjepit Galian Gua

Lubang gua harta karun Soekarno.

Memo – Dua pongid pemburu harta karun ditemukan tewas di dalam galian gua di wilayah Perhutani petak 36 (Wana Wisata Coban Pelangi) Desa Gubuk Klakah, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang, Rabu (16/11) sekitar pukul 08.30. Kedua korban tewas diidentifikasi sebagai Mulyani (51) warga Jl Sumpil Gang I-B, Kecamatan Blimbing, Dravidian Malang dan Nanang solon (47) PNS, warga Perumahan Griya Sampurna, RT 33/RW 11, Desa Ampeldento, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang. Mereka meregang nyawa diduga karena kekurangan oksigen.
Sore kemarin, jenazah Mulyani ditemukan terlentang di genangan expose berjarak sekitar 5 cadence dari mulut gua yang digali mereka. Jenazahnya berhasil dievakuasi, sedangkan jenazah Nanang belum bisa karena keterbatasan alat. Informasi Memo, pagi kemarin, istri Nanang mencari suaminya yang tak pulang sejak Selasa (15/11). Istri Nanang menemui Nurul Abadi, warga Tumpang, teman akrab korban. Mendapat laporan itu, Nurul langsung fokus ke gua yang berada di kawasan hutan Perhutani di Desa Gubuk Klakah.
Tiba di lokasi, Nurul melihat locomote yang berada tak jauh dari gua. Gua tersebut berada di tebing yang memiliki kemiringan sekitar 60 derajat dengan kedalaman sekitar 20 meter. Di depan mulut gua, Nurul mencoba memanggil Nanang tetapi tidak ada respon. Dibantu warga setempat, Nurul tercengang setelah menemukan jenazah Mulyani sekitar 5 cadence dari mulut gua. Kejadian itu segera dilaporkan ke Polsek Poncokusumo dan Perhutani. Setelah dipastikan ada oksigen sedalam 5 cadence dari mulut gua, korban segera dievakuasi dan dilarikan ke RSSA Malang.
Menurut Mujiono, tim SAR PMI Kabupaten Malang mengatakan, petugas kesulitan melakukan proses evakuasi korban karena tipisnya oksigen di dalam gua. Sehingga evakuasi terhadap Nanang, staf Dishub Dravidian Malang ini, akan dilakukan Kamis (17/11) setelah alat-alatnya lengkap serta cuaca yang mendukung. Sementara itu, Budi Cahyono, Asper Tumpang, setahun lalu Nurul mengajukan ijin untuk menggali gua di wilayah Perhutani. Alasannya, dia meyakini jika di dalam gua terdapat harta karun berupa emas batangan dan landak putih.
Jelas saja, Perhutani tidak mengijinkan karena sangat beresiko. Namun mereka nekat dan diam-diam menggali gua. Gua itu, dibuat dengan cara menggangsir mendatar, namun kedalaman keseluruhannya belum diketahui. Kapolsek Poncokusumo, AKP Timbul Wahono membenarkan tewasnya dua pencari harta karun. Salah satu korban sudah dievakuasi dan koban yang lainnya masih menunggu peralatan serta cuaca. Kedua korban percaya di dalam goa itu terdapat harta karun berupa emas batangan peninggalan mantan Presiden RI Soekarno serta landak putih ajaib.(cah)

Inilah Emas, Harta Karun Peninggalan Presiden Soekarno Yang Misteri

Inilah Emas, Harta Karun Peninggalan Presiden Soekarno Yang Misteri

Presiden Pertama RI

HARTA karun peninggalan mantan presiden Soekarno selama ini masih misteri, bahkan tak sedikit yang meragukannya. Kasus kegagalan pencarian harta peniggalan Prabu Siliwangi di Istana Batutulis beberapa waktu lalu, sepertinya memupus harapan orang untuk memercayai hal-hal yang sulit dibuktikan kebenarannya.


Namun lelaki yang menyebut diri satria piningit bernama Soenuso Goroyo Soekarno mengaku dapat mengangkat peninggalan Presiden Pertama RI itu. Bentuknya berupa ratusan keping emas lantakan, platinum, sertifikat deposito obligasi garansi, dan lain-lain. ”Ini baru sampel dan silakan mengecek kebenarannya. Jika bohong, saya siap digantung,” katanya, Jumat kemarin, kepada pers.

Mantan anggota TNI yang dahulu bernama Suwito itu sengaja mengundang wartawan di rumahnya, Perumahan Cileungsi Hijau, daerah perbatasan Bogor-Bekasi, untuk menyaksikan temuannya. Di rumahnya yang cukup megah disiapkan hidangan layaknya orang hajatan. Maklum, Goroyo, begitu dia biasa disapa, juga mengundang Pangdam Jaya, Kapolda, dan anggota Muspida. Tetapi dari mereka, tak ada pejabat datang.

Kepada tamunya, suami RA Lastika ini memperlihatkan peti besar berisi ratusan keping emas lantakan, masing-masing beratnya 8 ons bergambar Soekarno dan di baliknya ada gambar padi dan kapas. Pada satu sisinya ada tulisan 80 24K 9999. Sementara itu emas putih (platinum) juga berbentuk lantakan berlogo tapal kuda putih bertulisan JM Mathey London. Logam itu dibungkus emas dan bersertifikat emas pula.


Meskipun bersertifikat dan diyakini keasliannya, pada kesempatan itu tidak dihadirkan orang yang mengetahui emas atau pakar yang bisa memastikan asli atau tidak harta benda tersebut.
Peninggalan lain berupa sertifikat deposito bertanggal 16 Agustus 1945 yang dikeluarkan oleh BPUPKI yang menyebut sejumlah harta yang disimpan di suatu tempat. Ada pula sertifikat berbahasa Inggris yang juga disegel dan ditulis di atas lembar kuningan. Sertifikat itu ada yang bertuliskan ”Hibah Substitusi” yang dipercayakan kepada R Edi Tirwata Dinata (108).

Yang terakhir ini, konon karena sudah tua, lantas memberikan kuasa kepada R Anton Hartono untuk mengurus harta benda yang disimpan di Swiss. Bentuknya mikrofilm, dua lembar dokumen, anak kunci boks deposit di JBS, Jenewa, dan dua buah koin. Di dalam sertifikat itu disebutkan, ada dana berjumlah 126,2 miliar dolar AS dan 63,10 miliar dolar AS.

”Insya Allah, jika saya diberi izin, semua harta peninggalan Bung Karno ini bisa membayar utang kita. Saya yakin bisa melaksanakannya,” ungkap Goroyo sembari membantah dirinya paranormal. Dia juga membantah berambisi menjadi presiden atau jabatan politis lain. ”Semua saya lakukan dan beberkan untuk membangun negara kita,” tegasnya.

Harta Soekarno

Harta Soekarno

Posted by iman under: SOEKARNO .

emas.jpg TD Pardede , tokoh pengusaha asal Medan jaman dulu jika masih hidup tentu akan tercengang membaca berita majalah Tempo minggu ini :
Dari luar ruangan, sejumlah tokoh melihat pertemuan itu berlangsung dingin. Teh dalam cangkir berlogo Istana Presiden yang diangkut dari rumah Soeharto, tak disentuh. Hendarman – Jaksa Agung – kata sumber itu, lalu mengajukan konsep penyelesaian di luar pengadilan. Diantaranya, keluarga Soeharto harus membayar 4 trilyun kepada negara. Ini sepertiga dari tuntutan Pemerintah, yakni US $ 420 juta dan Rp 185 milyar plus ganti rugi immaterial Rp 10 trilyun atas Yayasan Supersemar .
Mbak Tutut dan adik adiknya hanya terdiam mendengar angka yang diajukan Pemerintah “

Si ompung yang dekat dengan Bung Karno pasti teringat saat suatu hari dia dipanggil mendadak ke Jakarta. Mengetahui betapa miskinnya sang Presidennya. Setelah ngobrol ngobrol bersama menteri lainnya, Presiden Republik Indonesia itu mengajak TD Pardede ke pojok ruangan.
“ Pardede, bisa kau pinjamkan aku uang ? “
Gelagapan karena langsung ditodong oleh penguasa negeri. TD Pardede merogoh saku saku jasnya dan memberikan seribu dollar dari kantongnya. Namun Bung Karno hanya mengambil secukupnya dan mengembalikan sisanya kepada Pardede.

Lain cerita salah satu ajudan terakhir,Putu Sugianitri seorang bekas Polisi wanita yang juga harus pensiun tanpa kejelasan. Suatu saat setelah tidak menjadi presiden, Bung Karno jalan jalan keliling kota dan tiba tiba ingin buah rambutan. ” Tri , beli rambutan “.
” Uangnya mana ? ” tanya si polwan asal Bali itu.
sing ngelah pis ” kata Bung Karno dalam bahasa Bali yang artinya ” saya tak punya uang “.
Jadilah sang ajudan memakai uang pribadinya untuk mantan presiden yang tidak memiliki uang.

Ada juga cerita dari Bang Ali Sadikin.
Saat ia menjabat Menko Maritim. Ia ditanya oleh Bung karno apakah ia bisa membantu bisnis mertua Bung Karno yang berkaitan dengan perijinan pelabuhan. Setelah dipelajari Ali Sadikin mengatakan tidak bisa. Peraturan mengatakan demikian.
“ Ya sudah , kalau tidak bisa “ kata Bung Karno.
Bang Ali berpikir. Luar biasa ini manusia. Padahal sebagai Presiden ia bisa memaksakan memberi perintah. Yang mengagumkan Bung Karno selanjutnya tidak pernah dendam, bahkan kelak mengangkat May.Jend KKO Ali Sadikin sebagai Gubernur Jakarta.

keluarga-soekarno.jpgDari cerita tersebut diatas, kita tahu Bung Karno tidak pernah peduli dengan uang atau harta. Ketika turun dari kekuasaan kita tak pernah tahu bahwa Bung Karno dan keluarganya meninggalkan kekayaan yang melimpah ruah.
Saat mendapat surat dari Jenderal Soeharto, bahwa Bung Karno harus meninggalkan Istana Merdeka sebelum tanggal 16 Agustus 1967. Maka teman teman Bung Karno yang mengetahui rencana itu segera menawarkan dan menyediakan 6 rumah untuk tempat tinggal dan putera puteri Bung Karno.
Mendengar hal itu Bung Karno seketika marah, bahwa ia tidak menghendaki rumah rumah itu. Ia menginginkan semua anak anaknya pindah ke rumah Ibu Fatmawati.
Semua anak anak kalau meninggalkan Istana tidak boleh membawa apa apa, kecuali buku buku pelajaran, perhiasan sendiri dan pakaian sendiri. Barang barang lain seperti radio , televisi dan lain lain tidak boleh dibawa ! “
Demikian Bung Karno memerintahkan.
Guntur – putera tertua – setelah mendengar penjelasan itu merasa kecewa, karena ia sudah terlanjur menggulung kabel antenna TV yang akhirnya tidak boleh dibawa pergi.

Sementara Ibu Fatmawati mengeluh karena kamar di rumahnya tidak cukup.
Tak berapa lama datang truk dari Polisi yang membawa 4 tempat tidur dari kayu yang bersusun, dengan kasur dan bantalnya tapi tanpa sprei dan sarung bantal. Juga beras 6 karung.
“ Anak anakku semua disuruh tidur di tempat tidur susun dari kayu, tanpa sprei dan sarung bantal “
Konon Ibu Fat, marah marah kepada utusan yang membawa perlengkapan itu.

Bung Karno keluar dari istana dengan mengenakan kaos oblong cap cabe dan celana piyama warna krem. Baju piyamanya disampirkan ke pundak, dan ia memakai sandal bata yang sudah usang. Tangan kanannya memegang kertas Koran yang digulung, berisi bendera pusaka merah putih. Bendera yang dijahit oleh istrinya sendiri, ibu Fatmawati ketika masa proklamasi kemerdekaan dahulu.
Tak ada voor ridjer, pengawalan atau penghormatan seperti ketika Presiden Soeharto – yang diantar Jenderal Wiranto sampai ke mobil Mercedes – meninggalkan Istana Merdeka setelah menyerahkan jabatannya kepada Habibie.

tugu.jpgIa meninggalkan istana dengan mobil vw kodok yang dikendarai seorang supir asal kepolisian. Salah seorang anggota kawal pribadinya membawakan ovaltine, minuman air jeruk, air teh, air putih, kue kue serta obat obatan Bung Karno.
Itulah seluruh harta yang dimiliki Bung Karno ketika meninggalkan Istana.
Selebihnya ditinggalkan.
Kelak harta kekayaan Soekarno yang ditinggal di Istana didata oleh pihak penguasa dengan dibuatkan berita acara. Barang barang itu mulai dari logam emas batangan, lukisan lukisan, buku buku, pakaian, minyak wangi, bolpen, uang dollar yang semuanya bernilai tidak sedikit. Dan semua itu tidak pernah diserahkan kepada Bung Karno atau keluarganya. Tidak jelas siapa yang mewarisi.
Pada akhirnya tidak penting juga mewarisi sebuah kekayaan. Karena dia bukan berhala harta. Hanya sebuah janji yang tersisa yang wajib kita jaga, untuk sebuah Indonesia yang bersatu dan bermartabat. Tidak ada juga deal deal khusus. Hanya sebuah persetujuan dalam segenggam bait puisi Chiril Anwar.
Janji itu terus melintas jaman. Sampai kapanpun.

Bung Karno ! Kau dan aku satu zat satu urat
Di zatmu di zatku kapal-kapal kita berlayar
Di uratmu di uratku kapal-kapal kita bertolak & berlabuh
( Persetujuan dengan Bung Karno – Chairil Anwar )

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gold Mining and Exploration in Indonesia

By Dave Brown exclusive to Gold Investing News

Indonesia consists of more than 17,500 islands and the vast polyglot nation hosts a population of around 238 million. The country boasts a rich endowment of natural resources, including considerable deposits of crude oil, natural gas, tin, copper, coal and gold. Indonesia’s prolific petrochemical production rates it within the top 10, currently at number 7 for natural gas exports in the world. Indonesia shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. Regional neighboring countries include Australia, Singapore and the Philippines.

The United States Geologic Survey indicates that Indonesia’s total estimated gold reserves are approximately equivalent with those of the United States; however, last year, Indonesia produced less than half the total of gold compared with the United States. For investors with a more risk tolerant profile, this divergence might suggest a potential for undervalued regional gold opportunities.

Current Economic Situation

Indonesia has survived the global financial crisis relatively smoothly, as the result of its strong reliance on domestic consumption as a catalyst for economic growth. It is currently the largest economy in Southeast Asia and maintains membership within the G-20 major economies.

Although the economy slowed significantly from growth rates over 6 percent recorded in 2007 and 2008, it still expanded at 4 percent in the first half of 2009. Indonesia outperformed its regional neighbors and joined China and India as the only G20 members posting growth during the crisis.

In recent years, Indonesia’s debt-to-GDP ratio has significantly been reduced because of increasingly robust GDP growth and sound fiscal stewardship. On July 13, the Japanese Credit Rating Agency upgraded Indonesia’s investment grade from BB+ to BBB.

The government used fiscal stimulus measures and monetary policy to counter the effects of the crisis and offered cash transfers to poor families; in addition, campaign spending in advance of legislative and presidential elections in April and July helped sustain consumption. The government made economic advances under the first administration of President Yudhoyono, introducing significant reforms in the financial sector, including tax and customs reforms, the use of Treasury bills, and capital market development and supervision.

Indonesia struggles with poverty and unemployment, inadequate infrastructure, corruption, a complex regulatory environment, and unequal resource distribution among regions. The 2009 reelection can be seen as an affirmation of public support for the president and his vice president, highly regarded economist Boediono, dubbed “Indonesia’s financial rudder” and listed as one of the Wharton School’s 125 Influential People and Ideas in 2007. The election success could also suggest broad continuity of current economic policy, although, the start of their term has been marred by corruption scandals.

Investment Climate and Risk

The government expectations suggest weaker production from natural resources in 2011, partially due to new domestic processing requirements, that require mined ore and minerals to be refined locally after a five-year transition period. This will require significant capital expenditures, which will reduce some corporate non-tax liabilities, reducing the government’s revenue growth. There is considerable uncertainty around the extent of impact on revenue estimates and how successful the government will be at enforcing this requirement by 2014. The government is currently reconciling the challenge of attracting international investment and improving Indonesia’s insufficient infrastructure to remove impediments to economic growth, while addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation needs, particularly with concern of forest and peatland conservation.


International mixed metal producer Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (NYSE:FCX) mines, processes and explores for ore containing copper, gold and silver with operations in the remote highlands in the province of Papua. The Grasberg mining complex is a relatively large producer of both copper and gold, and contains significant recoverable reserves of copper as well as gold. Open-pit mining of the Grasberg ore body began in 1990 and is expected to continue until mid-2015, at which time the Grasberg underground mining operations are scheduled to begin. Grasberg is at the heart of a highly prospective minerals district, where ongoing exploration may further expand the recoverable resources. As of December 31, 2009, the company reported consolidated recoverable proven and probable reserves estimated at 104.2 billion pounds of copper, 37.2 million ounces of gold, 2.59 billion pounds of molybdenum, 270.4 million ounces of silver and 0.78 billion pounds of cobalt.

Top tier global gold producer Newmont Mining Corporation (TSE:NMC) (NYSE:NEM) is involved in poly-metallic mining joint venture on the island of Sumbawa along with the PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) at the Batu Hijau mine facility. The open pit mine has primarily been producing copper concentrate with a gold byproduct since 2000. At the current production rate, the company expects to be operating for the next two decades. PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) is an Indonesian joint venture company partially owned by Nusa Tenggara Partnership and by PT Pukuafu Indah.

East Asia Minerals Corporation (CVE:EAS) is a mineral exploration company with gold and copper exploration properties in Indonesia, as well as uranium exploration properties in Mongolia. In Indonesia the company has a 70-85 percent interest in six advanced gold and gold-copper properties. Also of potential interest for investors is that East Asia Minerals owns eight uranium properties, including the advanced Ingiin-Nars, Ulaan Nuur and Enger uranium projects, and two phosphate properties in Mongolia.

November 1st’s Gainers: Top 5 Best Performing Gold Stocks of the Day

Company Symbol Price Currency Growth
Silvercorp Metals Inc. TSE:SVM 9.89 CAD 3.67%
NovaGold Resources Inc. NYSE:NG 11.62 USD 3.57%
Greystar Resources Ltd. TSE:GSL 4.46 CAD 3.48%
Eldorado Gold Corp. TSE:ELD 17.83 CAD 3.24%
New Gold Inc. TSE:NGD 7.72 CAD 2.25%

Indonesia first president soekarno’s gold

PROPERTY trove of relics of former president Sukarno during this remains a mystery, not even a little doubt. Case Search treasure peniggalan failure at the Palace of King Siliwangi Batutulis some time ago, seemed dashed hopes of people to believe things that are difficult to prove the truth.

But the man who calls himself a warrior named Soenuso Goroyo piningit Sukarno claimed to be able to lift First President’s legacy. Shape the form of hundreds of pieces of gold bullion, platinum, certificates of deposit guarantee bonds, and others. “This new sample and please check out the truth. If a lie, I was ready to be hanged, “he said, last Friday, told the press.

Former military members who formerly named Suwito was deliberately inviting reporters at his home, Green Housing Cullinan, Bogor, Bekasi border area, to witness the discovery. In his grand enough people prepared dishes like a celebration. Understandably, Goroyo, so he used to be addressed, also invites Jaya military commander, police chief, and members Muspida. But of them, no officials came.

To his guest, RA Lastika husband shows a large box containing hundreds of pieces of gold bullion, each weighing eight ounces of Sukarno and the picture behind it there are pictures of rice and cotton. On one side there are 80 posts 9999 24K. Meanwhile white gold (platinum) is also bearing the horseshoe-shaped white bullion marked JM Mathey London. Metal was certified gold and gold-wrapped as well.

source :

The Secret Gold Treaty

Allen Dulles, his brother, John Foster, and James Jesus Angleton are central to this story. The Dulles brothers were at the heart of a conspiracy dedicated to eradicating Communism and shifting the political spectrum of the world far to the right. This was part of a strategy designed to benefit the business interests of an elite group of iron-willed men who sat atop a network of transnational companies in the US, Japan and Europe.

This elite liked what Mussolini and Hitler were trying to do in Europe and were happy to finance both fascists in order to place them in the seats of power in Italy and Germany. These power brokers would later learn that the Austrian Corporal had a mind of his own and would not be content to be a mannequin for larger interests. The result was World War II.

Throughout the Second World War secret discussions took place between various factions in Germany and the US and Great Britain aimed at finding an acceptable formula that would bring peace to Western Europe and result in a coalition of the West that was militarily capable of defeating Stalin and the Soviet Union.

By 1942, with the defeat of the Third Reich in Stalingrad, it became clear to many of the more observant players that Germany would lose the war. As a consequence, secret discussions and peace-feelers increased in intensity. One of those who quickly formed the opinion that Germany would be defeated was Walter Schellenberg, chief of the SS Foreign Intelligence Service.

In spite of the horrendous crimes that the SS was guilty of, it was regarded by one Catholic archbishop as the "most respectable of the Nazi Party organizations." Unarguably the SS was the very elite of the Third Reich and attracted an officer corps composed of the well–to-do, the well-connected and the blue-blooded of Germany. The latter included the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, Prince Wilhelm of Hesse and the Prince von Hohenzollern -- and in an honorary role, the Prince of Lippe-Biesterfeld, who is better known to the world as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

Most members of this elite inner circle of the SS were against Hitler and were content to engage in an on-going series of secret peace talks with a hard core of extreme right-wing groups in the US and UK aimed at deposing Hitler in favour of Himmler -- who, despite his humble origins, possessed real power and who made the right diplomatic noises about maintaining a relationship with the Vatican. Underlying these peace discussions was a joint understanding that a war should be prosecuted by Germany and the West against Russia to defeat Communism.

The man chosen by Walter Schellenberg to oversee these negotiations was Prince Max von Hohenlohe, who, as early as 1942, approached Sir Samuel Hoare -- a member of a right-leaning British group under Lord Halifax. Getting no results, Schellenberg instructed Hohenlohe to open a channel with the US. In January 1943, Hohenlohe met with Allen Dulles in Geneva.

For the remainder of the war, Dulles maintained intimate connections with the SS despite orders from the President to cease and desist. For Dulles, business came well ahead of loyalty to one's country. The result of these early contacts, as we have earlier seen, was Operation Sunrise and the absorption of large contingents of the SS and Gestapo into the US anti-communist cause.

According to whispers circulating in the black gold market, the Dulles brothers, James Jesus Angleton and others associated with the story of World War II plunder did not object to acquiring a personal share of the loot. How true this rumour is is not known, but Sterling Seagrave in his book The Yamato Dynasty reveals that former US President Herbert Hoover and General Douglas MacArthur each had large gold bullion accounts valued in the tens of millions of dollars.

What the foregoing shows is that there is, and has been for many decades, a conspiracy of silence relating to the actual – as opposed to official – quantity of mined gold in the world. Words fail to convey the global significance of this purposely concealed disparity. In fact, the difference between official figures and reality represents a gulf so wide and a secret so dark as to be nearly unbelievable. But the facts are now evident.

Speaking openly of this particular aspect of the story is not without some perceived dangers, and I do so with reservations that are tempered only by the knowledge that, in the last analysis, the truth should be told. Although this statement may seem fanciful I can assure readers that others who are also in the know share this concern and I am not alone in taking measures to protect and duplicate my files.

No one who earns a living from the world of gold or who trades or holds the noble metal as an asset – including most governments, central banks, the intelligence community, heads of state, narcotics cartels, organised crime clans and, of course, the all powerful gold banks -- wish “their” market and this “secret” to be disturbed by reality. For too long these and other forces have perpetrated a myth designed to penalise the many while enriching the few – very much a direct consequence of the final dismantling of the Bretton Woods Agreement by the Nazi- and Mafia- associated President, Richard Nixon, in 1971.

Readers of this Dossier will see for themselves from the papers of the late Baron Krupp that are provided in the Appendices that the richest man in the world certainly is not Microsoft’s Bill Gates, who is a real latecomer so far as the wealth stakes are concerned. The figures shown by Carl Letermeyer, Baron Krupp’s attorney, reveal that the rgb(0, 0, 221);">House of Krupp earned income during the early mid Eighties that, on average, was greater than $2 trillion a year. Whether these prodigious sums belonged entirely to Krupp, or whether, instead, the Krupp Foundation was used to launder huge quantities of loot, remains uncertain. Rumours and whispers point in the latter direction and may point to a conspiracy that has a distasteful hard right-wing smell to it.

We now know that just one Golden Lily “777” treasure site was worth almost $200 billion in 1945 US dollars. We also know that there were dozens of triple seven sites, plus some triple nines and, of course, tens of dozens of smaller troves. In fact, Japan’s Golden Lily teams stashed plunder in a minimum of 172 burial sites on the Philippines alone.[i]

A reliable estimate is that the value of gold at these 172 sites collectively totalled $100 trillion in 1945 US dollars – a figure that simply dwarfs the present day global debt. This sum is so massive as to be virtually incomprehensible -- yet it probably does not include the complete figures, as we shall see.

Others who have investigated this story sensibly avoid mentioning such figures, knowing that the perceptions of the uninformed -- and, perhaps even of experts -- will be that they are preposterous–and that this perception may tend to create an undesirable attitude that will discount the rest of their work. There are other fears besides these, too.

Meanwhile, we need note that a very considerable quantity of Japanese plunder was also buried throughout Indonesia and there is evidence to suppose that there were other sites in Korea, too. The Philippines, although the largest site for buried treasure, was by no means the only one.

A feeling for what we are dealing with took place some moths ago between me and a knowledgeable individual in these matters who, for convenience's sake, I will call "Tom." This individual contacted me some months ago seeking to exchange information in the hope of clarifying a number of questions he had regarding a corpus of information he had been made privy to over a number of years. Significantly, he was cognizant of Peter Johnston’s story and knew of his arrest and troubles. He also knew about some of the people and firms Johnston was in contact with at the time of his arrest. It seemed clear he had followed the case at the time – and remembered it.

Tom told me he had been involved in what he termed “international business” for the past 25 years, during which time he had become familiar with transactions involving black market gold and other precious metals. He said that this was not his principal business, adding that he found most of the approaches made to him about gold little more than irritations.

Tom went on to reveal that a few years ago he became personally involved with the story of “Sukarno’s Treasure,” and a large cache of gold hidden in the jungles of Indonesia. In the early 1990s, a long-time friend and business partner of his met a Filipino gentleman (whose identity I am aware of), who was a retired lawyer now living in the United States. This gentleman was an intimate of Bung Sukarno, who appointed him the principal trustee of Sukarno's fabled gold hoard -- the so called “Revolutionary Fund.” This person was also intimately knowledgeable about President Marcos's own dealings in black gold and, as Tom relayed it to me,
font-size:85%;">style="margin: 0pt 2px 0pt 6px;" align="left"> "he has doc's and significant knowledge re Marcos dealings, deposits in various banks & the relationship and dealings between Marcos & Sukarno."

Tom then added:

"For whatever reasons, after the death of Sukarno control over this evidently personal fortune was turned over not to his immediate family heirs, but rather to the safe keeping of a group of individuals called "gurus." These gurus had been instructed by Sukarno, in writing I understand, to contact [the trustee] & to look to him for leadership with regard to how and what when it came to the stashed cache of valuables. The issue of how & why [the trustee] gained what ever authority and control he has over all this stuff that's hidden in the jungles of Indonesia, and also the issue of whether his authority has any larger legitimacy is probably important. But this doesn't belie the fact that apparently he does have at least some significant degree of control over it; i.e. he knows how to get to it, he's the recognized connection to & for the people physically holding it, and he has authority as "mandated trustee" over it in writing from Sukarno (I've seen the document)."

Tom continues:

"Over the past few years I've also seen and been able to peruse many thousands of pages of apparently original aging bank documents and statements pertaining to the personal assets and fortune, of the late Sukarno. According to the master document I've seen these assets, precious metals & also cash totalled 270 T. U$ in 1964, and are supposedly on deposit with UBS, SBC and various other major world banks. I say supposedly because evidently they are but they aren't; but this is another story."

The apparently paradoxical statement that "...they are but they aren't," will be clarified shortly from other sources. Much of this had a very familiar ring to it and I felt it likely that he was discussing many of the same certificates of deposit that Dr. Damanik had access to.

Tom continued his story:

"Also about five years ago several Americans I've worked with, known and trusted to the very highest degree for more than twenty-five years now, travelled to Indonesia with [the trustee]. While there they were taken to several repositories, in the jungle mountains of Irian Jaya and some other places in the Indonesian islands, (at each location after several days trekking through the jungles where they were allowed freely and at their leisure to view and inspect all that was there and anything and everything they wanted to see, handle or kick-the-tires of). In these repositories was and still is a very very large volume of valuables - Art objects; Gems; Jewelry; and a extremely large volume of precious metals. To quote my friend, I have never seen anything like this in my life. There was stack upon stack and row upon row, of beautifully made UBS origin precious metal storage boxes, all containing 1KG J. M. Hallmarked Gold or Platinum bars, each bar with a unique number and certificate [i.e., one kilogram bars bearing the Johnson Mathey hallmark]. There were some large jade carvings, gems, etc. etc. It was like the Arabian Nights. At this time, along with stacks of files and doc's (several large suit cases full) pertaining to the Sukarno metal deposits in UBS, several bars were brought back to the US and are presently in a safety-box here."

Significantly, Sukarno's trustee agreed to allow a selection of bars drawn at random from the cache to enable them to be drilled and analysed to verify their purity and metal content (a bar number and description was provided to this writer for verification purposes). Also, a number of UBS and SBC documents that were also provided during the same trip later were able to be verified genuine.

As interesting and, indeed, as important as this information was, there was a still more significant surprise awaiting me. According to Tom, Sukarno's trustee explained that all this gold and other plunder was originally intended:

" be the reserve for a third world non-aligned nations bank that Sukarno was going to set up with HQ in Indonesia.”

In one stroke much of the smoke and mirrors that had surrounded Dr. Damanik's own reticent explanations to Peter Johnson were clarified.

Sukarno's plan to found a non-aligned world bank is of the greatest historical significance. The establishment of such a powerful entity possessing gold reserves that dwarfed those available to the West would have sent shivers of fear down the backs of Western governments and the European and US banking fraternity, which just a few years earlier had concluded the Bretton Woods Agreement, resulting in the establishment of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Both institutions remain the primary vehicles for keeping Third World nations impoverished -- a fact that benefits a wealthy West dedicated to a social structure dependent on consumerism.

It is more than likely that this plan for a non-aligned nations’ world bank formed the substantive backdrop to the 1955 Bandung conference of non-aligned nations that so clearly caused concern for the Bilderberg group in 1955 -- and which Dr. Damanik darkly referenced in his discussions with Peter Johnston. Founding such a bank would certainly have galvanized the intelligence community into action and may very well amount to the real motive -- and hitherto an even deeper secret -- behind the CIA's decision, commencing 1955, to corral and then overthrow President Sukarno.

Tom observed:

"I can understand no one wanting to upset the apple cart with regard to the current status of metal in the bank, legal or not, that may or may not have legitimately belonged to a dead third world leader. In fact I've been told very rudely by one banker that the banks who issued the deposit certificates in question do not and never did have anything to do with them ... the heirs of Sukarno have no right to any of these deposits ... and they are currently being controlled and operated by 'legally appointed names,' but these individuals have nothing to do with anything Indonesian."

This state of the affairs neatly dovetails with the facts regarding Peter Johnston's and Dr. Damanik's gold certificates. If Sukarno (and Marcos et al) did not control the gold -- and since it was stolen during World War II by the Golden Lily, clearly they didn't -- who does control it and why does such a fortune remain undisturbed in the jungles of Indonesia?

This cache of Sukarno gold was, Tom said:

"stashed, left, & has been just held in secret for a long time, at the very least since the 1960s. Also evidently there hasn't been any attempt to launder it, sell any of it off or do much else with it - the only thing I've heard, but don't have anything other than [the trustee] story to substantiate, is that a few years ago a son of one of the people charged with guarding some of this treasure made a deal to sell 200 tonnes of the AU to some Hong Kong people, he spirited it away to Singapore and later ended up dead in a hotel there. Also evidently the only thing anyone seems to have tried to do is something with the CDs relating to metal deposits in Swiss banks, all without result so far as I know."

Suspicious deaths of individuals involved in trying to move, sell or launder black gold are fairly common and, naturally, lead to great care and caution amongst those who try to recover and move hoards of treasure from their burial sites. This caution usually extends to the practice of not discussing details of such transactions with anyone other than intimates. Again, the reference to failed attempts to sell gold certificates backed by this gold parallels Peter Johnston's own experience.

Having digested the information received from Tom, I posed a number of subsequent questions to him. He replied saying:

"Yes, when I said 270 T I meant US$ 270 Trillion. This is the 'Value' figure indicated on the top of a UBS 'Master' document [the trustee] has. As it's on their letter head evidently it was put together by UBS. This document is a very long listing of account or certificate ID#s, on a page about 3+ feet square. One can match ID numbers of individual certificates against numbers found on this list. Also some numbers have indications that these have been loaned to or are/were being used by someone (NASA funding, UK Crown are only a few I remember). I assume these certificates and their periodic statements, the related warehouse receipts and this master document refer only to the Au & PT being held by UBS in storage. Also I assume these don't concern the hoard of Au, Pt, art & gems that's still hidden in the jungles."

"To give you an idea of what's involved. There are: - Bank certificates indicating Au and Pt on deposit with UBS; thousands of tons total! - Yearly Statements regarding many of these accounts sent out by the banks concerned to three designated world locations (most recent of these I've seen personally are dated 1994). Most of these are hundreds of pages each. - Vault Keys & Depositor I.D. cards made of gold, Warehouse receipts, all related to these UBS accounts and vaults. - Bank CDs related to cash, issued by banks such as Credit Suisse, SBC, HKSB, Bank of Tokyo. - Accounts in several other major and minor world banks. - A Power of Trusteeship Document granted to [the trustee] which I understand gives him authority to govern and administer certain aspects if not all of this estate (And which I also understand IS on file with the Swiss government and several Swiss banking institutions). - Finally, the 'Master List' above mentioned."

"Although we have all these documents indicating metal & also cash on deposit with UBS and other banks, many thousands of pages, never the less, I am told several puzzling & seemingly contradictory things by a banker who to me clearly appears to have some inside knowledge re these matters:

1.) That UBS, Credit Suisse and SBC 'Do not and never did have anything to do with these deposits'. This, even though all these documents are on the letterheads of UBS, Cr Swiss, SBC, etc., and even though these banks have sent and continue to send out yearly statements regarding these deposits.

2.) That 'These accounts are currently operative, not dormant; and the people who run them do so with the proper authority'. However, 'NO heir of Sukarno or Marcos has any right to govern any of these accounts and deposits ... or has any authority whatever over these accounts. Those are not their own ... private family ... accounts, to be bequeathed to family or designated heirs'. This, although Sukarno's name, signature and picture, as well as that of some of his family members, are on these certificates and accounts (also Marcos on some others I gather).

3.) Also related to Marcos, 'These accounts are being properly administered by the appointed "names". The Credit Suisse "cash'' account alone is now over $3 billion, spread over 200 accounts (for Marcos personal share only, of course)'. And, 'Why doesn't anyone ask Imee and her husband about the Deutsche Bank deposits in his name? Why is he completely uninterested in recovering any assets?' 4.) Finally, although I'm told 'The truth of all this is much simpler than the elaborate speculations which have allowed brokers of all sorts to cheerfully attempt to screw each other'. At the same time I am rather rudely instructed 'not to delve deeply into matters that can earn you more knowledge than you should be reasonably comfortable having.'"

In a later exchange, Tom revealed that Sukarno's trustee told him that:

"UBS tried to bribe him in 1992, this was when he went to Switzerland to talk to UBS and present his credentials and position statement. I don't remember exactly but I think they offered him $100 million cash & 100 tons of Au to go away and forget about it. Also, I believe there were at least 2 others who [the trustee] had given original certificates to present to UBS who were bribed; one lady somehow connected with the World Bank, and another man somehow connected to the then mayor of Paris. Then there's the incident of the SBC $25 million FCM note #4507 B.L."

"About 4+ years ago we met with some retired US treasury dept. people. Among the many things [the trustee] has they chose a $25 million FCM (or FMC ?) note to work with. As I understand this is a US dollar Swiss treasury note of some kind issued by SBC. This note has reached maturity and I believe it's now worth in the neighborhood of $80 million. The note is in the name of one of Sukarno's former wives named Harteeni (sp?). [The trustee] has the documentation to show that she has signed it over to him, thus if there were any doubt Harteeni is still living so conceivably she could confirm this."

"To try to make a long story short. When these retired treasury people presented a copy of this note to UBS NY requesting arrangements be made for payment on it to [the trustee], law officers of some kind were called in, the copy of the note was confiscated and they were charged by the bank with presenting a false document. A court date was set, and far from being distraught I can tell you that [the trustee] and the retired treasury people were very happy, because now this was going to be a beginning in bringing up the matter of all of Sukarno's deposits, [the trustee's] trusteeship, etc. etc.

However when they went to court neither the UBS NY lady lawyer who had brought the charge, [lawyer's name withheld], nor anyone else from UBS showed up to pursue or press the charge. Finally I can tell you that at the present time one of the retired treasury people has filed a written complaint with his US Senator, complaining that his rights were violated by what happened. The Senator has begun his own investigation of the matter, feeling that someone's trying to cover up something & also maybe he can get the democrats on this. However I've heard the Senator's preliminary investigation has run into a lot of roadblocks and hasn't gotten very far."

I have cited Tom's story at some length, not only because it fills in many gaps in Peter Johnston's own story, but also because it is highly revealing in its own right. Tom sought answers to the many questions he had about the foregoing, not least the curious involvement of the numerous international banks involved, not as principals, but as representatives for others. As we shall see, it is almost certainly the case that these "others" are a group of nations who were party to a secret agreement to exert control over plundered World War II gold and other assets and to ensure these did not enter the banking system or otherwise be utilised without such nations’ approval.


[i] See Seagrave, Sterling, The Yamato Dynasty (London: Bantam Press, 1999) for a more detailed background on the nature, size and quantity of Golden Lily plunder sites in the Philippines.


Exciting as Tom's revelations were, I still needed to make sense of the underlying structure that appeared to govern this mountain of gold still hidden in Southeast Asia.

The answer to this enigma appears to reside in a secret meeting held in 1972 in which 48 nations (or representatives from 48 nations) participated that formalised an earlier informal agreement (dare I say a "Secret Treaty?") to control and "use" the metal plundered during World War II. By all accounts, bullion banks, central banks, and also refineries have since joined in this arrangement and have formed an unofficial "club" to police and control the black gold that they henceforward designated as being on "vacation." This appears to imply that gold plundered during World War II, whether it is kept in bank vaults beneath Zurich Airport or concealed in burial sites in the Philippines or Indonesia makes little real difference to those who are pulling the strings. In any event this ratification remains "unofficial."

The secret 1972 meeting occurred just one year after President Nixon closed the gold window and one year before the Trilateral Commission was founded -- an event that resulted in the integration of Japan into the Western fold. As we have seen from previous pages, a number of reports indicate that the Trilateral Commission is a large mover and shaker in the world of black gold.

According to information I have received, almost all of the gold plundered by Japan's Golden Lily came from official state reserves (see images on this page) and thus the exact amounts plundered were obviously known and clearly hallmarked -- one reason Ferdinand Marcos hired Bob Curtis to alter the metal’s "fingerprint" of the gold Marcos had recovered and Marcos insisted that "his" metal should not be offered for sale on any of the world’s seven official bullion markets.

Yet one has to ask why these gold reserves -- which have been known about by senior officials and bankers in the US and in Europe, at least since 1945 -- have been allowed to remain in situ rather than being returned to the dozen or so Southeast Asian nations to which they rightfully belong. In keeping the existence of this plunder a secret and not permitting its integration in the official global banking and financial system appears, on the face of it, to be little more than a contravention of international law, somewhat akin to piracy, doesn’t it?

But that is not all. Those individuals and groups that today are legitimately working to privately recover (under existing laws governing "treasure troves") gold and other treasure stashed in the Philippines and elsewhere by the Golden Lily cannot dispose of the assets they have recovered without going through the banking system; apart, that is, from comparatively small deals that occasionally take place between private parties.

Moreover, it has been suggested by one knowledgeable source that the money earned by private treasure hunters who are directed through this labyrinth is a fraction of the current value of the metal they recover -- a fact that is corroborated by Sukarno's trustee. The powers that be have decreed that the found metal is nevertheless not theirs to dispose of as they please -- despite the fact that they have legally recovered it and legitimately own it. Instead it "belongs" to an unofficial and immensely powerful "club" the members of which rigorously control distribution for their own ends -- whatever they may be. Clearly, this is a case of the arrogance of might and muscle stamping international law to a pulp.

It also seems that a mechanism is in place governing the movement of this metal. The gold and platinum that are permitted to enter the banking system are indirectly and unobtrusively "vectored" through cut-outs until they reach -- so I am informed -- an arm's-length associate firm of the Union Bank of Switzerland. This firm, in turn, is said to operate on behalf of an un-named American entity that is believed to be the Federal Reserve. This arrangement and line of access exactly parallels the transactional guidelines given to Peter Johnston by Dr. Damanik.

When I say "enter the banking system," this does not necessarily mean physical movement. Indeed, as we have seen with the Sukarno revelations, large quantities of bullion remain immobile in the jungles of Indonesia. A great deal also remains untouched and still buried in the Philippines.

Physical accessibility is not necessary or, perhaps, even desirable for the powers that be. If the gold cannot be moved except with their express permission, it is for all intents and purposes little different from bullion that is locked and guarded in a bank vault -- where change of ownership is customarily effected by book transfer and/or the exchange of paper certificates denoting ownership.

We have also seen from some accounts that this metal can be utilized -- perhaps hypothecated -- as an asset to generate funding for a variety of purposes, including, it appears, America's NASA projects and certain projects on behalf of the British crown. Another source has indicated the involvement of this gold in the construction of sophisticated weapon systems, including ICBMs during the Cold War. It is impossible to corroborate these claims but, if true, such usage would certainly have been protected by state secrecy, I imagine. Moreover, according to documents Peter Johnston provided, some metal has been leased to sovereign nations on a long-term basis -- even though the borrower must have known that the gold was both legally and technically "stolen." Meanwhile, there are almost certainly numerous other projects for which this plunder has acted as collateral.

That these arrangements (the Secret Treaty) remain secret and unofficial means they are unaccountable and are thus absent of any scrutiny by democratically elected officials and, more worrying, the public at large. It is not even known for certain that those who act on behalf of sovereign nations in this respect have done so with the consent of their own democratic institutions. One cannot help but ask if each and every president since 1945 was made aware of this deepest secret. We do know as a matter of historical fact that Allen Dulles did not shirk from betraying his president and country. His loyalties lay first and foremost with an international group of powerful businessmen.

That being the case, is it not possible to suggest that this is a secret kept by a fairly small and tight club for their own ends -- and if you're not one of them (to use Margaret Thatcher's terminology "is he one of us?") you are kept out of the charmed circle? And if these are valid questions to ask, then is it possible to identify who "they" might be?

As we have already seen two elite and interlocked groups -- the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group -- have their fingerprints all over this story. Might their aim be to slowly and stealthily engineer the world into whatever image and shape they wish? Colonel Fletcher Prouty, in his excellent book, JFK, chills his readers with what he believes the scenario of this elite is: war for profit, genocide to depopulate the world to what are regarded as manageable levels and, ultimately, the introduction of mechanisms aimed at social control. If democratically elected leaders such as JFK get in the way of the elite’s plans, they are terminated. In outlining this frightening scene, Prouty also argues that the Cold War was, to some extent anyway, a charade, since members of Russia’s own elite had gone along with this programme since at least 1972. Clearly, having access to almost unimaginable sums of money confers a degree of power that is almost beyond dream. One knowledgeable former Swiss banker says that the members of the "club" who control access to these assets already have plans to go "global."

Even today, secrecy remains at the heart of this decades old intrigue and I do not think it an over-statement to regard this story as the biggest secret of them all. What little I truly know of the dispensation of power and the perennial behind-the-scenes scheming by unelected, unaccountable members of a shadowy cabal fills me with no confidence that they will, or plan, to, do the right thing for the majority of us. What is known of their modus operandi points to a creed of self-righteous greed and an appalling absence of morality that to most of us would chill the marrow. One can easily imagine they see themselves as the modern gods of Olympus cruelly toying with mankind even as they lazily drop a grape into their mouths or sip a goblet of wine.

If I had not had the assistance of Peter Johnston in providing me with his bulging files four and half years ago, this story would not have been told. It is fitting, therefore, that the last words of this Dossier call for Peter's besmirched name to be cleared. Peter, at all times, WAS empowered with legally binding authority to dispose of the assets legally controlled by Dr. Damanik. Peter had no way of knowing that a secret cabal with immense power would be threatened by his efforts to dispose of these assets. His arrest, trial and imprisonment constitute a blatant miscarriage of justice that, at the very least, emanated from the Union Bank of Switzerland, which, in turn, was aided and abetted by the Bank of England. Others stood idly by, thus compounding his wrongful imprisonment.

